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The first time Heracles, Gwen and Amelinda met Ham, the scepter maker

Heracles, Gwen and Amelinda had come to the first floor. They was staying outsider a closed wooden door. It made them a little hesitant as they stood there. Then Heracles walked ahead, knocked on the door.
“Come in.” a tired voice spread out.
Heracles pulled the door. He, Gwen and Amelinda walked in. There was a rather dark room lit by some oil lamps spread out gentle blue light. The room was narrow, made of wooden and filled full by a lot of stuff and most of them were scepters.
“What do you want?” said a man sitting on an elbow chair standing between scepters by the walkway along the room. He even didn’t look at Heracles, Gwen and Amelinda as they walked in. His head bent down, chin on his hand. He seemed to be sleeping.
“We are new. We need to help.” squealed Amelinda, standing right after Heracles.
The man raised his head, parted his curly black long hair aside his face showed out his sleepy eyes with big shadows below, his stubby short beard around his mouth and jaw.
“I am a Ham, a scepter maker.” said the man. He stood up, flatted his oversize long black jacket. “You all come here to buy scepter right? What are your names? Lady first.”
“I’m Amelinda and they are Gwen and Heracles.” said Amelinda.
“Amelinda, Gwen, Heracles you are all new?” said Ham gently.
“Yeah, we are.” they said.
“I will try to find the most suitable scepters for you.” said Ham. He grabbed a nearby scepter having a crystal ball on the top, suspending in crystal ball was a five-color feather radiating very gentle blue light.
“Amelinda, a young cleaver girl, I think you don’t need to have much power from your scepter. What you need is stable and gentle source of power which you can control well. Do you know the peacock which is raised by goddess Hera. Of course, we can never have the chance to touch on it. This is one of its offspring’s two remaining feathers. Take it and feel it. If it accepts you, it will give you a signal.” said Ham giving Amelinda the scepter, “Its handle was made of beech core which made it lighter and more stable as you use it.”
“So what do I must do now.” said Amelinda confusedly.
“Just feel it, try to think it’s a part of your body.
Amelinda kept holding the scepter in her hand, closed her eyes, tried to feel.
“Focus.” said Ham.
Chapter one: The All-For-You shop (Heracles and the Nemean lion). Click here to buy an eboook and here to buy a paper book.


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