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The time professor Finn decided to use the Methonia's sheild (Heracles and the Nemean lion)

A short meeting was held right after that. All professors were asked to come and join it. At last, they all decided to use castle Methonia’s shield. All people of the four families were summoned in the castle hall in the next morning. Professor Finn and other had been there as they walked in. They all were sitting on table set at one side at the end of the hall where the owl odd wisdom stood on its pole. Except professor Finn, the others there turned noisy they spoke to others in anxious voice. Then professor Finn stood up, walked ahead then stopped in front of all people there. He opened his arms widely.
“All, pay attention.” he said, “Some can know but some can not that one girl has killed and two red-armband members are missing. It’s because of what I don’t know for sure that what exactly it is but according to professor Linus, it seems to be something or creature very dangerous. It has power which may threaten to all of us people living in castle Methonia. Before I can know for sure what it is.” Professor Finn raised his voice, “The castle Methonia’s shield will be to keep you all inside in in order to protect your lives. Therefore, I want all of you to come here, inform it to you and make sure that no one was absent.”
“Professor Linus,” he added turned to professor Linus who was standing beside the table, “Is there any of the four families’ members not here?”
“They all are here professor Finn.” said professor Linus.
“Alright, I will start now.” said professor Finn. He turned his way to the owl of wisdom which at the moment looked like a statue. Professor Finn held his scepter tightly then. He touched the owl of wisdom head by the crystal ball upon his scepter. “Xypniste” she said. A flow of silver energy poured out from professor Finn’s scepter, entering in the head of the owl of wisdom. The feathers of the owl of wisdom turned to be gold. It opened its eyes, still kept staying on its pole. “Are you sure Finn?” said the owl of wisdom.
“Yes, we need to do it now.”
“How long is it Finn from the last time you called me up to do the thing.” said the owl of wisdom in scary voice, flying up, “It’s about one hundred year, right? No, it must be longer. I really don’t remember it but if castle Mehthonia need me for protect it, I will do it one more time.”
The owl of wisdom kept staying in midair for a while, spreading golden light. Then it fluttered up, flying through ceiling then went through all of the floors and at last, flew up on the top of the castle. It flew up higher and higher. At last, it stopped in the midair and then flapped violently. Many yellow light waves appeared from its place then spread out widely moving and covering around castle Methonia, the four family dorms, nursery and all things around there. Later, whole the place was covered by a yellow light shield which looked thin and soft. Later, the owl of wisdom stopped fluttering then turned petrified after that. It and the light shield became a unified whole that it still kept in midair, didn’t turn back its pole. When Heracles and other made the way to went out, the light shield had been there, looked thin and soft but when they touched on it, it was too tough to be broken by both strength and magic.


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